Make for Mac OS X

After many failed searches and much frustration I finally found a download for the Command Line Tools for Xcode.


Then search forĀ command line tools

The only checkbox you should have checked is “Developer Tools”

Reference the following screenshot:
Screenshot showing search options

Fantastic Friday Function – Alternate with Namespace

Here’s a freebie that can be used immediately without any supporting libraries. This will be available in the near future in my opensource php framework: tgsf It’s released under the GPLv3.

Use it like this:


for ( $ix = 0; $ix < 10; $ix++ )
	echo alternateNs( 'one', '1','2' ) . PHP_EOL;
	echo alternateNs( 'two', 'a','b' ) . PHP_EOL;

And here is the function:


* Alternate with a namespace
* The first argument is a namespace to enable multiple calls in a single loop
* Call with a set of arguments and this function will return them based on a modulus of the quantity of invocations
* in other words, each time you call this function it will return the next item in the list of parameters.
* to reset, call with a namespace and different arguments
function alternateNs()
	$args = func_get_args();
	$ns = array_shift( $args );
	$argCnt = count($args);

	if ( empty( $ns ) )
		throw new Exception( 'alternateNs called without a namespace' );

	static $cache = array();

	if ( empty( $cache[$ns] ) )
		$cache[$ns]['current'] = 0;
		$cache[$ns]['items'] = array();

	$items =& $cache[$ns]['items'];
	$current =& $cache[$ns]['current'];

	if ( ! ( $items === $args ) || $argCnt == 0 )
		$current = 0;
		$items = $args;

	return $argCnt>0?$args[$current % $argCnt]:'';